Born and raised in Norfolk, Virginia to the most amazing parents a girl could ever hope for or imagine, the incomparable Mr. and Mrs. Larry and J. LaVerne Johnson,
I first started my journey in the wide world of culinary as a lot of chefs have, at home. My father was and is my biggest culinary inspiration. As soon as I was tall enough to see over the counter, I would always make it a point to be in the kitchen whenever my dad was cooking. I would also find my way into the kitchen of Bank Street Memorial Baptist Church throughout my childhood.
That curiosity and infatuation with food has followed me all throughout my life. I got my first professional taste of the wide world of culinary in a little back corner classroom of Mathew Fontaine Maury High School. Mrs. Phyliss Kittrell was the fearless leader of that Hospitality class. There, I was given my first opportunity to explore my artistic creativity through a new medium. FOOD!!!
As I moved on in my food journey, I was given the opportunity to be taught by one of the greatest culinary instructors of Hampton Roads, Chef Mary Anne Gentry. She was an integral part of getting the culinary program of Norfolk Technical Vocational Center (now Norfolk Technical Center) off the ground. She made it her mission to ensure that we got a foundation in culinary that would take us anywhere in the world. Everything that I learned in that 2-year program serves me extremely well to this day.
Right after high school (duh…), I went on to attend and graduate from the first Historically Black College or University in the south, Shaw University as a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Business Management, Entrepreneurship, Mathematics, Computer Information Systems and General Education! After graduation, I took a nap! (ba-dum-tiss) But honestly, I took a break from life for like 6 ½ months. I went from Pre-K-Bachelor’s non-stop. I was tired! Pouty face!
After that, I hit the ground running and have been running ever since.
Well, almost ever since.
On July 4, 2017 between approximately 8:40-8:45 pm. which was just over 29 hours after I turned 29 years old, more than 7 bullets from a .45 caliber firearm tore through my life in a way never before imaginable.
In the short time since, I have been on the most mind boggling, heart wrenching and holistically exhaustive voyage through these most recent Chapters of my life thus far to say the least.
I have and always will thank God for every lesson that I've learned over the course of my life. Proverbs 22:6 is and always has been very applicable to my life. (Thank you Mommie and Daddy!)
Another maxim of Truth my mother blessed me with as a child is, "Nothing 'just' happens" It would be a whole lie and a half to say that there is never a time that I don't wish July 4, 2017 and those 7+ bullets didn't happen. That would just be stupid.
However, every time I do, the echos of my mother's voice saying, “It's going to be ok. Remember, nothing 'just' happens." followed by my father in his inimitable way reminding me that, "No matter how many bad things happen in a day, as long as you learned 1 new thing that day, TADA! it's a good day!" chime within the halls of my Heart, Mind, and Soul.
Those 7+ bullets, and the fragments of them that remain, now play a very different role in my life. I have changed them from their intended purpose of ending my life into the Driving Force behind my Eternally Victorious reintroduction to the wide world of Culinary and introduction as a consecrated Moorish American missionary!
With that being said, in meek and faithful praise my Father God-Allah, the author, creator and governor of the world; The Entirely Merciful, the All Mighty, Eternal and Incomprehensible and in humble honor to All of His True and Divine Prophets, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, the Noble Prophet Drew Ali, etc., my beloved earthly parents, the amazing Mr. and Mrs. Larry and J. LaVerne Johnson, and my entire Family per the complete and exhaustive definition thereof,
I, the Reverend, Doctor, Chef, Sheik & Consecrated Moorish-American Missionary, Chaevis LaTrìsha Johnson Hajjah El, Executive Chef and Founding Owner of CJ's Catered Greatness,
established in 2012,
almost assassinated on July 4, 2017,
am here today continuing my march towards An Eternal Victory that Christ Has In Store 4 Me through my tenacious commitment to make every day a Moment of Greatness, one catered event at a time!