Here is a List of Business and Organizations that have received CJ’s Catered Greatness’ Official Thumb’s Up of Greatness
Animaine is a freelance video editor, youtuber, and independent comicwriter. A self described nerd who's goal is to make sense of the world he lives in. In addition to entertaining, he uses his art across all mediums to celebrate various aspects of his culture and history that are often utilized to pander to Black people just for the sake of diversity. He is critical of the darker elements of nerd culture and fandoms regardless of which political side they come from, and looks forward to a day when "we can all just get back to loving video games and big tittied anime women."
Click HERE for the YouTube Channel
Elizabeth River Project
The Elizabeth River Project is the non-profit leading community efforts to restore the environmental health of this great harbor river while affirming her value to our port economy.
Click HERE for information how to become a River Star Home, Business, or School!!